Monday, January 28, 2008

Gordon Bitner Hinckley

You were my prophet. Even though I was already finishing high-school when you assumed the mantle, I grew up with you. And growing up isn't easy. You have to face up to yourself even when it is frightening. And you have to let go of certain things and put them away. And you helped me realize that by doing that I wasn't going to find an empty and vaccuous life, but fulfillment and joy and beauty. I'll never forget your smile and your compassion. Your humor never belittled, but rather elevated others. Thank you for the Perpetual Education Fund. Thank you for the temples. Thank you for not being afraid to get out and meet even the most far off Saints. And though these thanks all belong to Jesus, the mouthpeice deserves mention too. Though you don't know it, you were there for one of the most spiritually fulfilling months of my life, even for an experience I haven't been able to bring myself to talk about, not even with those closest to me. And secretly I wished that before you died I could have given you a hug. I hope it's not selfish, but I really wanted to meet you. Thats okay though. Millions shall know you yet.


Colby said...

My heart goes out to you and your family Les...

Alicen said...

I have been listening and reading people's feelings about our dear prophet all day, and that was by far the most beautiful. Thank you for sharing Les.

James said...


I feel like I lost a close friend and I never even met him. He was an incredible leader.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Lovely tribute, Les.

Jessica Marie said...

Les, that was truly beautiful (the Carnahans just tipped me off to your blog, so I'll be lurking around now and then).